
Pirate is an adorable 10 month old Japanese Harlequin. She is very sweet and enjoys being pet and handled. She has been spayed and vaccinated and is ready for her forever home. We are experts in bonding if you are looking for a friend for your bunny. Pirate could be the perfect one! In April, two baby bunnies, Pirate and her sister Dulce, were brought over to their current family's house by their daughter's friend for a "play date." The mom with the bunnies was telling the current family that she was planning on releasing all eight month old babies she had onto her property. The current family felt so bad that they told her they would keep the two that were brought to their house. They did not know anything about owning bunnies at the time, but they knew releasing tiny little babies to fend for themselves was a death sentence. So, they did their research to make sure they took care of them properly. The original plan was to keep them outside in a hutch as that was what the friend's mom was telling them, but they quickly learned that bunnies should be indoors, drink from bowls and use litter boxes. They took them to the vet and made sure they got on the correct diet as they had not been fed properly at their old home. After they moved in, mom began having allergy attacks but she originally thought it was something in their new yard causing them as they had just moved. When she noticed she'd get the attacks even when she had not been outside she thought it must be the hay she was feeding so she switched. After trying every type of hay she came to the sad realization it was the actual bunnies she was highly allergic to. The bunnies had to move into the garage where they were both safe from the dogs and to help alleviate her allergies. So, because she loves them and wants them to have the best life possible, where they can be part of the family, she reached out to us to help find them a good forever home. While we all know "allergies" is a popular excuse people use to get rid of pets, believe us when we say she truly has severe allergies to the bunnies as we saw her body react to them with our own eyes. Even so, she's agreed to continue to foster them until we can get them into new homes. We had them spayed so they are ready to meet their forever family. The girls' baby bond did break so they have been living separately. They can go as single bunnies or we can rebond them if you'd like to adopt them as a pair. They are super sweet loving bunnies and you will fall in love as soon as you meet them.