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I got Hershey when he was 6 wks old. My Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I knew what a comfort animals can be to sick people. Hershey would just sit in Mom's lap very still and she would stroke him and comment how soft he was. He gave her joy and calmed her too.
I have had 3 other buns before Hershey but none like him. He had personality plus!!! Impish, daring, loving, curious, snuggly, attention-lover, etc!
I held him each morning while I had coffee and sang to him. We rocked on the outside swing and snuggled. Each evening he'd race around the house and flop over in front of me tired out and I'd stroke his belly. I got bunny kisses each day which I will cherish forever! Hershey was the most loving bunny I've ever had! I miss him sooooooo much!