

Common rabbit diseases are often spread due to an improper diet or unsanitary conditions. If you've only got one or two rabbits and  you keep them  indoors, viruses aren't too much  of a concern. Rabbits are  somewhat frail  pets, however, so you need to do everything you can to help them  thrive.

Obesity can be controlled  by feeding a proper diet and making sure your rabbit gets plenty of exercise. The best way to provide the proper exercise is to let the rabbit out in an exercise pen. You can use pens designed for dogs, just make sure there are no openings large enough to allow the rabbit to escape. Rabbits need to be supervised  while in an exercise pen so predators cannot get to them. If you don't mind cleaning up a few droppings, you can let the rabbit run around in a room indoors.

Dental Health
Dental diseases can be caused by a genetic malformation of the jaw, bad diet infection or cancer. If the rabbit is dropping food out of its mouth, cannot eat at all, drools excessively, has overgrown teeth or shows signs of weight loss, have a vet that is experienced with rabbits check its mouth thoroughly.  X-rays of the head may be needed.     A rabbit's teeth are constantly growing, and this growth must be kept in check If you see teary eyes or feces on your rabbit's fur, it could be a sign that its teeth are too large. A vet can remove the excess growth, but it's better to prevent this from happening.  Give your rabbit hard toys to chew on so it can wear down its teeth naturally.

Respiratory Problems
Respiratory  disease could be caused by high temperatures,  high humidity,  stress, pollution  or fumes from perfume, hair spray, paint, and dust. It can be difficult to diagnose respiratory disease because other conditions often have the same symptoms.  Have an experienced  vet examine your rabbit, and make note of any changes that took place in your home around the time you noticed the symptoms.  This will help trace possible environmental  causes.

Eye Problems
Runny eyes could be caused by several things, including dental disease, disease of the cornea, entropion and distichiasis.  If you notice staining near the comer of the eye or wetness at the comer of the eye, bring the rabbit to a vet familiar with rabbits to have it thoroughly  checked out.

Digestive Problems
There are several urinary tract diseases rabbits can get, but the most common is bladder stones and sludge. If you notice chronic dehydration,  contact your vet for a rabbit check up as soon as possible. Chronic low-grade  dehydration  is usually caused by unclean water, a low-moisture diet and little to no exercise.  Signs of dehydration  and bladder stones or sludge include frequent urination in small amounts,  blood in the urine or straining to urinate. The urine may also have a strong odor or it may be thick like toothpaste.

Diarrhea is a sign of serious illness in rabbits. Bloody diarrhea usually indicates  entertoxaemia,  a bacterial infection that can kill a rabbit in days. Parasites and an improper  diet can also be causes of diarrhea. If you notice symptoms  in your rabbit, get to a vet immediately  to be sure you're not dealing with a life-threatening illness. To prevent diarrhea, be sure to keep the rabbit cage clean and feed your pet a diet of hay and pellets, with fresh fruits and vegetables  offered as an occasional treat.

FLEAS:  Get a dose from your vet. FRONTLINE KILLS! A dab of ADVANTAGE is OK

IF you're rabbit is refusing  food, stopped  pooping, straining to urinate, SEE your VET ASAP.